Friday, February 20, 2009

Things I hate.

Things I hate. Why should I write about the things I hate? Well, because it gives an outlet for my hate.

1. Waiting for things in the cold. I hate this. Today I had a lot of this. Gack. It’s the worst. I had to sit outside of my math class in the freezing cold until my teacher came and unlocked the door. I had made tea, and I wanted to sip is as I sat there freezing. But it was to hot! I burned my mouth! So I’m sitting there frozen, with a burned up mouth. Not fun. Then after class was over I had to wait to get picked up. So I had to sit, cold again. But this time my tea was cool enough to drink, so that was nice. And I had a good book to read, so that was nice as well. I still hate waiting in the cold though, even with tea and a good book.

2. Dirty mirrors. This is so annoying! We have two large mirrors in our bathroom and because Sister always blow-dries her hair and blows her hair as she’s putting hair spray in it, the mirror gets plastered with dried up hair spray. How gross is that? I should probably clean it if it bugs me so much…

3. Halting music. I use the music site Imeem. Sometimes, and it’s been happening a lot, the music will stop. It’s like the site freezes. And so you’re jamming out, and then after the song it stops. It’s very lame. Then I have to restart the page and click on the song I want. Already while writing this post I have had to do that twice. Gerrr. The thing is I don’t have the mullah to buy the songs I want, so I’m stuck with Imeem.

4. Awkward silence. Goodness this is the worst! You are all talking and laughing and having a great time, and then someone says something and you all stop. And it’s very awkward. And you don’t know what to say to break the awkwardness. It’s even worse when you are the one who started the silence. No fun at all. This tends to happen to Brother One a lot. And them I stuck there not knowing what to do. This is not fun. I will have to find something to say when this happens…

5. Musicless math. Math is the one time I get to have fun and do school at the same time. I can listen to my music, jam out, sing, lip sink, and all that fun stuff and get my math done. But when you do not have music on hand, you are forced to dredge through boring nothingness. This brings be back to the fact I have no money to by songs for my iPod. I need cash…

6. Being Jobless. I figured I have talked about this already, so might as well make it a point. I hate not having money!!! I hate spending money, if I don’t have the same amount or more coming in. This was the most wonderful thing about having a job. I could go out to coffee, buy things I wanted (like art supplies), treat people to movies, and stuff of the like. But now, I have no money coming in! I don’t want to see the money I have evaporate. Aghh, I need a job. You might be wondering, “What happened to your job?” (probably not, but maybe..) You want to know what happened to my job? This is what happened, the economy happened. I worked at a cute tea shop, and made good money. Tips were awesome, and wages weren’t to bad either. But no one wants to buy tea when they have house bills that need to be paid. So the shop went under. And with it all the jobs. And with all the jobs, me. Oh well, I’m just glad I saved my money when it was coming in. The sad thing is, I have to pay for tournaments. (my music just died again…) As I have to pay for these tournaments myself, my money vanishes. I need a job. But there are no open jobs right now, with this darn economy. “I wanna punch the economy in the face!” Got to love e*trade babies.

7. Possessive people. This really irks me. I have a good friend, who does this a lot. I really like him (as a friend), and he’s great. But if anyone is possibly interested in me, he will be really cold to them and try to get me to not talk to them or be around them. It really, really gets on my nerves. At nationals last year he did this. I almost went crazy! I might be very mean, but you know what I did? I went and talked to and hung out with all the people he wanted m e to say away from! Ha! Take that! Errg.

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