The other night I had a sleep-over at one of my friends house. It was a blast! It was her sisters party but I soon because part of the group. (Thank God for wit and humor) After talking for a while, we turned on the Boobtube and got some movies to watch. First we watched Max Payne. It was a strange movie and I don't think I will watch it again. The ending stunk. Very lame. After that we watched Pineapple Express. This movie was *so* funny! But, it was a bad movie because of strong language, and the stuff they talk about.. wow. After that we watched Four Weddings and a Funeral. I will leave that at lame. Very lame. After we watched that we wanted to watch a chick flick, so we turned on Blood and Chocolate. That was a good movie. I like that one. It might have been that I watched it a 3 in the morning, but it was good. I thought the artist in the movie looked like a guy that's coming to live with us this summer. I'll probably watch it again sometime. After that, most people had gone to sleep and the ones who were up wanted to watch something funny. So we watched Hot Fuzz. That was a strange movie. It was funny, but yet really grossly bloody. Not a cool bloody either. It was odd. That movie ended at 6am. After which I went to bed, I was sleepy. But if we had watched something good after Hot Fuzz I would have watched it. The girl who stayed awake watched a TV show.. Then at around 8 we got up and watched Shooter. I like that movie a lot. It had good action and plot. I will watch this again some time.
But what does a bloodshot eye and the title have to do with this? Well after all the movie and after everyone had left the girls mom wanted to go triftstore shopping. I thought "Cool, sounds good to me." But then I went into the bathroom and took a good look at myself. I looked like I was some sort of stoner! My eyes were bright red! "Ok, it will just go away. I'll put on some makeup and I'll look better." No.. That didn't work.. After the makeup was on I looked even *more* like a druggie! It was not fun. So Visine was the savor of the day. Got to love that stuff. Works like a charm. On a side note about Visine, it's the best before photo shoots. It makes your eyes look really good. The whites will be free of pretty much any red lines. yep that stuff is great. Anyways back to crazy eyes and to many movies. I got home and I had to meet with my debate partner. I was so sleepy, I wanted to die. I got to bed at 11pm and had to get up at 9am today. The point? Don't stay up til 6 watching movies.