I'm don't want to get married(for at least 10 years). Reasons? Well......
1. I want to live alone. And if you're married that sort of dies.
2. I don't want kids. (Any time soon at least. And I want to adopt..some guys don't like the idea.)
3. I want to travel the world, and if you get married you get tied down.
4. I want to buy my own house and have complete control over it.
5. I get mad easily.
6. I don't want to fight, and if I don't live with anyone, I can't fight with them
7. I want my own life.
8. My dog seems like the best companion.
9. I want to work overseas
10. I'm to scared.
I know those are mostly selfish reasons...but still, for at least part of my life I want to have some freedom. Is that wrong?
The other thing is that I don't think anybody will have me. And there are reasons for that.
1. I hate to be touched, sometimes. Sometimes I'll like hugs and then other times I hate hugs. My line tends to be "Don't touch me!"
2. I get mad fast.
3. I'm messy.
4. I don't know when to stop. I keep pushing it and pushing it and then I get in trouble.
5. I'm chubby.
6. I procrastinate.
7. I take offence easily.
8. I say dumb things.
9. I'm not wise when it comes to time management.
10. I love to play and I don't really like work.
11. I have all these dreams that will never come true.
12. I say whatever I think.
13. I like to live life on a bit of the edge, not good for a family.
14. I get into messy things. And love every second of it.
15. I don't know how to act in front of certain people.
16. I'm hard to shop for.
17. I hate meat.
18. I get bored with everyday life.
19. I have hairy arms.
20. I could listen to the same song over and over, that drives some people up the wall.
21. I think dogs are better then guys.
22. I want to live in Texas, and nobody else loves Texas like I do.
23. I don't have anything intelligent to say.
24. I have a honking big nose.
25. Nobody else is going to want to stomp in puddles when their 75.
26. I get boring after time.
27. I sing off key.
28. I have warts on my feet. How gross is that.
29. I don't communicate well.
30. When I'm sad or hurt I pull away from others instead of telling them whats wrong.
The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on..
I have fears also. I'm really scared about the idea of getting married.
1. What if it's the wrong guy?
2. What if he's not who you thought he was?
3. What if he's mean?
4. What if he's controlling?
5. What if he does things that make me really mad?
6. What if he's not my best friend? How can I be married to someone I don't love?
But there are always the reasons to get married -
1. You (hopefully) get a best friend for life.
2. You never have to be alone if you want.
3. You can hold each other in the rain storms.
4. You can stay up as long as you want talking.
5. You get to wear a beautiful white dress and have the happiest day of your life.
6. You will have someone to take care of you.
7. Someone to bring you hot soup when your sick.
8. Someone to love you when you feel blue.
9. You can laugh with them until you cry and then do that over and over for the rest of your lives.
10. You get to paint your house together. (Don't ask me why, but I have always loved that idea.)
11. Lots of inside jokes.
12. You can hog all the dances, and it will be ok.
13. You can play dumb games together.
14. You can watch romantic movies without it being awkward.
15. You can watch scary movies and hold him close.
16. You'll know that at least one person loves you a ton.
17. He'll tell you if it really does make you look fat.
18. You can snort when you laugh, and it will only make him laugh more.
19. He'll put your socks in the dryer to they get warm and toasty.
20. And he'll love you more then himself.
Those are the reasons I would want to get married.
Is he out there? And if he is, will he wait 10 years for me?