Monday, October 20, 2008

A New Life

Sunday, I wrote to my good friend Robert and told him about that day in church.

Today church was amazing. We had this incredible speaker named Donna Partow. She was so on fire, and passionate about God. She talked about Jonathan, and how when the enemy came into his country, Saul and the other leaders sat under a tree and talked about what they needed to do. But, Jonathan went with his armor bearer, and fought the enemy. They had total faith in God and they ended up killing 20 men. Just the two of them. But, on top of that God sent a panic on the enemy, and they became afraid. Saul then came and joined Jonathan along with his army. Then Saul's people came out of the caves where they were hiding, and they went to fight as well. God used two young boys Jonathan and his armor bearer to get rid of the enemy. She told us about how she had taken a bunch of teens to places like Peru and told the people that lived in the garbage about God. In all of history, these people haven't been told about God, because others thought they weren't worth it. She talked about how it only takes a few people to start something big. And talked about how it only took a few of us standing up and *doing* something to make a change. I sat there and thought about me. What had I ever done to glorify God? Had I even done anything? I felt so shallow. And I sat there and cried. My life is so meaningless. It has no point. So, you know what? I'm going to change that. No longer am I going to be relying on my parents faith. I'm going to do something. I, Sara am going to make a change. Risa and I talked to Donna Partow after the message, and I told her I feel so shallow. I told her that all the people I know were Christens, and that I feel like I can't change anything. So, she told us we could email her, and maybe go with her on one of her missions or something! You could look her up at if you want. But, when I was sitting there in church crying, I had a thought. I thought about Prop 8. I don't know if it's just for CA, but it's to make marriage just between a man and a woman. Here in CA gay marriage is legal. So, you know what I'm going to do about Prop 8? I'm going to volunteer with .I want to do everything I can to spread the news about how bad a No vote on Prop 8 would be. That's my first mission. Who knows what will be next. I can't wait to do more and more with this new found spark.

Today : I talked with Robert just a few minuets ago, and you know what he said? He said that *I*, Sara, am an inspiration to *him*. And that’s only in one day! Already God has used me to help someone else out! Isn't that amazing? I can't wait to grow in God even though I know it will be hard, and even thought I know Satin will try to stamp out my fire. I can not wait to lean on the Lord for my strength, and not on my own power. I pray that God will help me stay strong in him throughout day to day life. I pray with his help I can be content with what I can do now. And I pray that God leads me to know what he wants with my life. How I can best serve him. Only a few days ago I was a selfish, unloving, person who had no real love for God, and yet now I feel as if I don't make a change within me I might lay by the wayside and become a pew-hugging, non-moving, lifeless Christen. And let me tell you, I don't what to be that.

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